716Frank - Dad Goes Fishing
歌名:Dad Goes Fishing
《Dad Goes Fishing》
2.“Fishing today!”says Dad. “I'm going to catch a big fish for our dinner.” 2.“今天钓鱼去!”爸爸说, “我要钓一条大鱼当咱们的晚餐。”
3.First,he goes to the beach. "Look!A fish!"he shouts. He pulls in his fishing-line. It's ... a pink crocodile! "HSSSS!"says the crocodile. 3.首先,爸爸来到沙滩上。 “看!鱼上钩了!”他喊道。 他拉起钓线。是.......一条 粉红色的鳄鱼! “咝~~~~!”鳄鱼低吼着。
4.Next,he goes to the rocks. "Look!A fish!"he shouts. He pulls in his fishing-line. It's ... a big crab! "HELP!"shouts Dad. 4.接着,爸爸走到礁石上。 “看!鱼上钩了!”他喊道。 他拉起钓线。是....... 一只大螃蟹! “救命啊!”爸爸喊道。
5.He tries again. "Look!A fish!"he shouts. He pulls in his fishing-line. What is it?A shark? 5.他再钓一次。 “看!鱼上钩了!”他喊道。 他拉起钓线。 这回是什么?一条鲨鱼?
6.No,it isn't a shark.It's... an angry diver!A very angry diver. 6.不,不是鲨鱼。 是......一个生气的潜水者! 潜水者非常生气。
7."Sorry,"says Dad. The diver points to the sea. "The fish are out there,"she says. 7.“对不起。”爸爸说。 潜水者指着大海。 “鱼在那里。”她说。
8.So Dad tries again. "Look!A fish!"he shouts. He pulls in his fishing-line. He has got something... but it isn't a fish. 8.于是爸爸又试了一次。 “看!鱼上钩了!”他喊道。 他拉起钓线。 他钓到了什么东西....... 可惜不是鱼。
9.It's a speed-boat! WHOOSH!Dad flies into the air. 9.是一艘快艇! 嗖,爸爸飞了起来。
10.He flies over the sea... and then he flies to the beach again. "This is great,"he says. 10.他飞到海上..... 然后又落到沙滩上。 “太棒了!”他说。
11......... 11........
12.Next,he fishes from the pier. 12.这次,爸爸来到码头上钓鱼。
13."Look!A fish!"he shouts. But it's only an old boot... and then an old bottle... and then an old shell. 13.“看!鱼上钩了!”他喊道。 可惜是一只靴子...... 然后是一个旧瓶子...... 然后是一只旧贝壳。
14.Dad sits down. 14.爸爸坐下来。
15.Mum comes and asks, "Have you got a fish?" but Dad is asleep. 15.妈妈走过来问: “你钓到鱼了吗?” 可是爸爸睡着了。
16.Mum looks at the boot and the bottle and the shell. "We can't eat those for dinner," she says.So... 16.妈妈看了看靴子、瓶子和贝壳。 “这些东西怎么能当晚餐呢?” 她说。那么.......
17.she goes to the fish shop and... 17.她来到鱼店......
18....she buys a very big fish. 18......买了一条大鱼。
19.She goes to the pier. Dad is asleep. She puts the fish on his fishing-line. 19.她来到码头。 爸爸还在睡觉。 妈妈把鱼挂在爸爸的钓线上。
20.Then she puts the fish into the sea. 20.然后把鱼放进大海里。
21."Wake up!"she shouts. Dad wakes up. "Look!A fish!"says Mum. 21.“醒醒!”妈妈大喊一声。 爸爸醒了。 “看!鱼上钩了!”妈妈说。
22.Dad pulls in his fishing-line. 22.爸爸拉起钓线。
23."Wow!Look at that!"he says. 23.“哇!看哪!”他说。
24."Fish for dinner!" 24.“晚餐有鱼吃了!”