1411周华健 - Boring Day
It's just another boring day

It's just another boring morning

我醒得太早 睡得不好 身边没有你

It's just another boring night

It's just that same old boring moonlight


好想 好想 好想你

不管你去到哪里 我跟着你旅行

每一次 好久不见 加深更多想念

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

It all sounds the same anyway

It's just another boring day

Thursday Friday Saturday

I can't wait to meet you on Sunday Hmmm...

It's just another boring day today

不管你去到哪里 我跟着你旅行

每一次 好久不见 加深更多想念

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

It all sounds the same anyway

It's just another boring day

Thursday Friday Saturday

I can't wait to meet you on Sunday Hmmm...

It's just another boring day today

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

It all sounds the same anyway

It's just another boring day

Thursday Friday Saturday

I can't wait to meet you on Sunday Hmmm...

It's just another boring day today