777Lene Marlin - Wish I Could
歌名:Wish I Could
歌手:Lene Marlin
专辑:Lost In A Moment
Lene Marlin - Wish I Could
Album: Lost In A Moment
歌词网 http://www.lrcgc.com
Editor: FlowerSpider (QQ 1878886 ICQ 151476238)

I thought I did everything right
I thought I treated you
The best way I know how
But where do I find myself now
Where do I find myself now
I look around
And my friend you're gone
What did I do wrong
I wish I could say
That if you change you're mind I'm here
That if you call for me, I'm there
If you're hurting, I'll run fast
Forget about the past
I'll be right by your side
Ah-ha, ah-ha...
I thought you cared for real
I thought that I was good to you
And made you smile a lot
But this is what I've got
And my friend you are gone
I guess you've been for long

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