779Lene Marlin - When You Where Around
歌名:When You Where Around
歌手:Lene Marlin
专辑:Lost In A Moment
Lene Marlin - When You Where Around
Album: Lost In A Moment
歌词网 http://www.lrcgc.com
Editor: FlowerSpider (QQ 1878886 ICQ 151476238)

I miss those times
I miss those days
When you were around
So many ways
And it felt so safe
And I was glad
But now something’s changed
That makes me sad
And I, was waiting patiently
But you never came
I realize it now
Won’t ever be the same… again
If you’re doing fine
I don’t know
You see, I gave up calling
Long time ago
Haven’t heard from you
I guess that means
That I’m no good no more
That’s what it seems
You see, I gave up waiting–for you to care
You’re not there
And I wonder if you… ever were

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